Simply Trees 30-Day Guarantee

Simply Trees 30-Day Guarantee

At Simply Trees, our commitment is to ensure the delivery of healthy and vibrant plants and trees. Should your plants arrive considerably damaged or sustained damage beyond the point of recovery, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us quickly so we can step in to help. Remember, a successful transition for plants into their new home requires proper care and the right conditions. Our guarantee, however, doesn't extend to plants bought for the wrong climate zone or those given inadequate care.

In the unfortunate event that the plants arrive considerably damaged or sustained damage beyond the point of recovery, we kindly request that you send us clear photos to within five days of delivery. This enables us to provide prompt and effective assistance. If clear photos showing the damage or poor condition of the plant upon arrival aren't provided within the five-day timeframe, we unfortunately won't be able to offer a replacement or store credit for your purchase. The submitted photographs must clearly depict the damage or confirm that the plant was dead upon delivery. Our team will review the photos to decide if the damage qualifies for store credit for a replacement, and this decision will be made solely by Simply Trees.

Should you encounter any issues with your plants after you've planted them, within the initial 30-day period following delivery, we urge you to contact us right away. Upon reviewing your concerns, we will determine the appropriate course of action, which may include providing store credit to order replacement(s), subject to our terms and conditions.

Your adherence to these guidelines is appreciated and ensures a fair and transparent process for all parties involved.